
Update on EASY

The AEC Project for an Online Application System for mobility among higher music education institutions - EASY entered its third year of operation. After the EASY Workshop held on 13 September in Birmingham, a number of new supporting materials have ...

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Upcoming Events – Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP) conference in Trondheim February 2019

The Pop and Jazz Platform Meeting 2019 will take place at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, in Norway, on 15-16 February 2019. The theme of this year’s conference is “Listen!”.   Reg...

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RENEW Project and RENEW Final Conference September 2018 – Wrap up

The two-year strategic partnership Erasmus + Project RENEW ‘Reflective Entrepreneurial Music Education Worldclass’ (2016-2018) has recently published its project results on the RENEW Website. This project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme...

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Wrap up – AEC Annual Congress – November 2018

The 45th AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2018 took place at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria on 8-10 November under the title “Strengthening Music in Society” referring both to some crucial social and pol...

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AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2018 Wrap Up

The Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2018 took place at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom, from the 13 -16 September under the title Beyond Europe: bringing the world to our institutions in the framework of the...

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Update on Lobbying and Advocating for Higher Music Education (HME)

AEC looks back with satisfaction on an intensive and successful year of lobbying and advocacy. Of course, AEC's activities not only address the institutions of the European Community, but also cultural and educational organisations and associatio...

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Project results NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders

The two-year strategic partnership NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders has published its project results. This project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, aimed at the modernisation of curricula and learning environment, through an interdisciplinar...

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Music and Dance Competition “GIOVANI IN CRESCENDO” – May 2019

Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini with the support of Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (Department for Education), Comune di Pesaro (Pesaro Municipality) and Confcommercio – Pesaro (Italian General Conf...

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Open call for contributions – Diversity, Identity and Inclusiveness WG

The AEC-SMS Working Group (WG) on Diversity, Identity and Inclusiveness is currently preparing an online publication, entitled How are ‘diverse cultures’ integrated in the education of musicians across Europe?. The publication will presen...

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26th Musical Competition – Società Umanitaria of Milano

The Società Umanitaria of  Milano will hold a competition for students from the schools listed in the attachment. This competition is intended for regular students enrolled in the 2018/2019 Academic Year. Each country will take part in...

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