AEC U- Multirank Pilot project (2015-2016)

The AEC U-Multirank pilot project aims to test the validity, viability and practicability of the dimensions and indicators developed by the AEC U-Multirank Working Group, which was approved by the AEC membership at the General Assembly in Glasgow in November 2015.

The ambition of the AEC is to develop a best possible tool that can support institutions that want to participate in U-Multirank by their own choice, institutions that will be confronted with U-Multirank through the participation in U-Multirank of their mother institutions, and institutions that in the future may be asked to participate by their national authorities.

AEC is pleased to confirm that the U-Multirank pilot project was officially launched in January 2016.

All the AEC volunteer institutions representatives met for a whole day workshop on the 21st of June 2016 to provide feedback regarding the data collection process and to contribute to the interpretation and discussion of the pilot results. Based on this institutional feedback, the WG, in collaboration with the AEC/FULL SCORE Student WG and experts from the U-Multirank team, has reconsidered and redefined elements that have proved to be confusing or not feasible. The finalized revised proposal can be found below:

These results will be presented to the AEC membership at the AEC Congress in Gothenburg in November 2016 for them to decide if Music should be included as a new field in the U-Multirank system in 2017.