Promotion of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Mediterranean Model
Statistics relative to education for entrepreneurship draw on responses to the questionnaire sent by the ‘Polifonia’ Project’s Working Group 4 to European conservatoires in January 2013.
15 answers for the Mediterranean model.
Education for Entrepreneurship
Generally speaking, education for entrepreneurship is not a priority in primary and secondary education in Mediterranean countries. Entrepreneurial training begins at the university level, especially in technical and professional training.
- Primary and Secondary Schools
Encouragement of entrepreneurship as a way of thinking and behaving is relatively rare at this level.
Example of Good Practice: Spain
– Entrepreneurship appears explicitly in the National Program of Education in the primary and the secondary school curricula since 2004-2005: entrepreneurial notions are considered in geography and history classes.
– Results are limited however, due to governance structure through autonomous regions. -> entrepreneurial training exists only in the Asturias Region.
- Universities
Most universities (especially business schools) provide entrepreneurial courses.
– at the Bachelor level: 6 programs (LUISS of Rome, IE University of Madrid, the American college of Athens…)
– at the Master level: 44 programs (SDA Bocconi, ESADE Business School of Barcelona, Catholic University of Lisbon, Alba graduate Business School of Athens, University of Malta, Open University of Cyprus…)
Example of Good Practice: Portugal
In Portugal, despite the absence of specific undergraduate programs on entrepreneurship, 11 Master’s degrees are available at the Catholic University of Lisbon, the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, the University of Porto… etc.
- Conservatoires
58% believe that their country or regions promotes the development of innovative and entrepreneurial projects in the higher education or cultural sector.
Potential Asset: Italy
High density of conservatoires (58 in 2008).
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