AEC Pop and Jazz Platform meeting 2024

Methods, Skills and Sustainability for a Future In Music

Syddansk Musikkonservatorium – Danish National Academy of Music
8 – 11 February, Odense (Denmark)


The world is changing at an ever-increasing pace. Globalization, changing revenue models and constantly renewing tools for creating and performing music challenge our traditional notions of what is important, valuable and worth preserving. On the other hand, these same things bring us new opportunities: The shrinking of distances on our Globe thanks to the development of communication tools, new earning opportunities, and the ways of making, distributing and consuming music made possible by new tools and technologies open up paths never trodden before.

In all this turmoil, we have to stop to think about how we can live our lives and make our art in a sustainable manner. Sustainable for ourselves, so that we as artists and pedagogues can constantly develop ourselves and our expression without burning out. Sustainable for our students, so that we can prepare them to enter a world we may not even have a clue about yet, where they can live full, healthy and financially secure lives for many decades to come. Sustainable for nature and our planet, so that we don’t waste our scarce resources unnecessarily and we can leave behind us a world that is still habitable to future generations.

Even though everything described above is really important, it feels very big and heavy. As a counterbalance to that, we want to give our participants the opportunity to get to know the insights, observations and teaching methods of our community members hands-on. Due to the very welcome initiative of our host institution, we will include a new program element – Workshops – in the 2024 edition. With the help of these, as well as the already familiar Keynote speeches and Open Floor presentations, we aim to spark a discussion about the sustainable future of the profession, and present the skills and methods we can use to get there in practice.

We are continuing the new pre-conference format we presented in Rome last year, which is more closely linked to the meeting’s themes. Therefore, we hope that you can join us already then. As before, the program of the actual meeting days of our conference includes plenty of opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas. And let’s not forget the VoCon meeting for vocal pedagogues on Sunday either!

We kindly invite all members to participate in the on-site AEC Pop & Jazz Platform meeting on 8–11 February 2024, hosted by the Syddansk Musikkonservatorium (SDMK). We are very much looking forward to meeting you all in Odense, Denmark!

Jere Laukkanen

Chair of the AEC PJP Preparatory Working Group


Want to know more about the PJP WG and its members? Check this webpage!

Invitation letter
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