Becoming musicians
Student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education

Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, October 24-26, 2018

The Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC) and the Centre of Excellence in Music Performance Education (CEMPE) invite colleagues and students to send proposals to their joint conference Becoming musicians: student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education. The conference is held on occasion of celebrating CEMPE’s first five years. It also marks the establishment and the beginning work of the AEC and CEMPE-run platform Learning and Teaching in Music Performance Education (latimpe).

Conference theme

In recent years, student involvement has been a central topic in higher music education. Many argue that students should be the central agents in their own learning processes, and that teachers and higher education institutions should strive to empower students and engage them more actively. Student-oriented, student-active or student-centred learning methods have become common concepts. Teacher collaboration is at the same time an evolving topic in many higher music education practices. In many cases teacher collaboration and student involvement are also intertwined. But what do these concepts mean? What does a “student-centred” practice look like, and what do teachers collaborate about? What are the benefits of involving students more actively and of increased collaboration in learning and teaching practices? What do student involvement and teacher collaboration mean in learning contexts ranging from one-to-one contexts to cross-disciplinary or cross-institutional practices?
These are some of the questions the conference seeks to illuminate. The conference committee welcomes proposals addressing these or other questions relevant to the conference theme. Presentations may for example be of a practice or a program, of projects, research or theory. A variety of both presentations and presenters are welcome to join the conference.

Presentations and proposals details


Presentations: 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Special sessions (workshops or panel discussions): 1 hour.
For all proposals please write an abstract following this template. Proposals should be sent as a Word attachment to

Selection of proposals
Proposals will be accepted on the basis of their relevance to the conference theme, their significance, and originality. Presentations incorporating live music-making are welcome.
Deadline for submission: May 9th 2018
Travel grant:
Presenters may apply for a grant to cover costs of travel and accommodation for the conference, as well as the conference fee. Please complete this form and follow the instructions described there. Send it as a Word document to, together with your abstract.
Priority is given to presenters with long or costly travel routes, students, presenters not being reimbursed by an institution or who are in a challenging economic situation.
Registration for the conference will open later.