The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) has officially announced that the application of MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement to renew its registration was successful.

EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education) is the official register of quality assurance agencies operating in substantial compliance with the ESG. EQAR aims to provide the public with clear and reliable information on quality assurance agencies operating in Europe.
Its inclusion in the Register in 2015 granted MusiQuE the same formal status as most national quality assurance or accreditation agencies. A full list of all agencies currently listed on EQAR can be found here. The decision of the EQAR Register Committee on the renewal of the inclusion of MusiQuE onto the register has been based on an analysis of the compliance of MusiQuE with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG). Out of 14 standards, MusiQuE has met 12 standards with full compliance and only 2 with partial compliance, which shows the confidence of the EQAR Register Committee in MusiQuE’s relevance and future perspectives.
The renewal of the registration of MusiQuE is not only the acknowledgement of more than 10 years of work, but also the formal recognition of the pro-active and settled position of music in higher education at European level. It confirms that quality enhancement is something higher music education can take full responsibility for as a sector.
The MusiQuE Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to the founding and partner organisations AEC, EMU, Pearle* and EAS for their continuous support. The Board would also like to thank the excellent MusiQuE team in Brussels as well as all the peer-reviewers and experts who  actively contribute to making this significant achievement a reality.
MusiQuE invites higher music education programmes and institutions to make full use of its review and accreditation services.