The Quodlibet is back! Join AEC’s Early Music online discussion Thursday 13 October at 18:00

The Quodlibet is back! Join AEC’s Early Music online discussion Thursday 13 October from 18:00 to 19:30 CEST.
The Quodlibet is the AEC’s online and open forum for dialogue on all matters of Early Music and HIP, open to students, teachers, artists… It has been launched in 2021, during the pandemic, 3 meetings took place with Peter Van Heyghen, Barthold Kuijken and Paul Agnew.
All members of the Early Music community are welcome to participate in the Quodlibet, and encouraged to share their views on the present challenges and opportunities faced by their institutions. Everyone’s voice shall be heard!
The new Quodlibet series aims at:
- addressing musical, educational, professional, and institutional issues in Early Music studies
- engaging AEC members in interactive debates with artistic personalities in the Early Music education world
- strengthen the connections of the Early Music players and students in Europe and beyond
- facilitate discussions regarding topics such as HP/HIP – Historically Informed Performance.
Quodlibet 1 – Thursday 13 October, 18:00-19:30 CEST
The End(s) of Early Music: The current state of Early Music departments across Europe
Early Music has come a long way in the last decades and currently plays a vital role in higher education institutions. The recent period has seen many new challenges for Early Music education: so, it is important to acknowledge the achievements thus far, but we must also reflect and plan for the future of Historically Informed Performance Practice across both theory and practice.
The main aim of this first meeting is to identify the needs and challenges of the participating Early Music departments. The members of the AEC’s Early Music Platform Task Force will present themselves and the REMA in more detail and open the discussion with the audience.
AEC’s Early Music Platform Task Force: Isaac Alonso de Molina (The Hague), Kelly Landerkin (Basel), Anton Steck (Trossingen), Claire Michon (Poitiers)
Veerle Declerck, president of REMA (Réseau Européen de Musique Ancienne)
We are looking forward to e-meeting you on Thursday 13 October!