
RESEARCH PAVILION: June 16th-17th 2017

Encounters, Discussions, Experimentations: Art, Research and Artistic Research in Music Symposium on June 16th-17th 2017 by the Sibelius Academy, the Norwegian Music Academy and the University of Gothenburg. Research Pavilion is hosted by the Un...

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MCE Business & Conference Centre, Brussels - Belgium 21th – 22nd of June 2017 The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and i...

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Royal Conservatoire The Hague composition project ´Composer Collider Europe – CCE” approved by the Creative Europe Programme

“Composer Collider Europe – CCE” is the name of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague new project, granted by the Creative Europe Programme. The project includes a series of transnational activities for composition students / alumni fro...

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Proposal for a procedure to allocate ECTS for Students of AEC member institutions to attend AEC events

Many AEC member institutions are interested in adding generic skills to the qualification profile of their studies. Among others, these include communication skills (e.g. explaining one´s own point of view on an artistic or pedagogic matter), e...

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Taller de Músics School for Higher Music Education (Barcelona) offers a new Master Degree: The session musician and world music.

This new program is aimed at musicians who want to develop their career in the recording studio, and it is designed to train 7 to 9 musicians. For one year, this group will work as a band and also individually, getting tools and experiences to develo...

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Graz Early Music Summer Course 2017

The Graz Early Music Summer Course 2017 will take place from 24th to 26th August 2017 at the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts, Reiterkaserne, Leonhardstraße 82-84, 8010 Graz, Austria.   Faculty: Recorder: Andreas Bö...

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Erasmus+ Student Traineeship at the Conservatorio di Musica “A. Pedrollo”

The Conservatory "A. Pedrollo" in Vicenza has opened a Call for Erasmus+ Student Traineeships for the 2017/2018 academic year for the following posistions:   - Pianist accompaniment - Harpsichord accompaniment You ca visi...

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European Opera Academy invites new partners

The European Opera Academy, a consortium of academies of music that offer their specialties on professional music theatre and opera education, intends to extend its number of partners as from 1 September 2017. We are especially looking for high...

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Call for Papers & Participation: Pedagogies, Practices and the Future of Folk Music in Higher Education

Pedagogies, Practices and the Future of Folk Music in Higher Education Thursday 18 – Saturday 20 January 2018 The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland will organize a collaborative conference with respect to Pedagogies, Practices and the Futur...

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AEC feedback for the mid-term review of the Horizon 2020 programme

In Spring 2017, the AEC office requested the AEC members that had submitted a project application under the Horizon 2020 programme to share their experience during the application process and their opinion about the programme in general. Among the re...

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