
Latest news about NAIP: blended mobility intensive week

On 22-26 March, the intensive week of the blended mobility in the project NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders took place in Iceland, hosted by Iceland Academy of the Arts (IAA). The aim of the blended mobility in this project is to explore stra...

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FULL SCORE AEC Learning Outcomes Working Group Update

AEC is currently revising its Learning Outcomes for 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-Cycle Studies in Music. The revision of these Learning Outcomes serves to continue their fitness for purpose in defining the skills, competences and know-how required by graduatin...

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AEC upcoming events 2017!

COMING UP: European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) – Staging Research: from the laboratory to the stage and back again – at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, 20-22 April. The final programme, a description of the themes an...

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Tribute to former AEC General Secretary Claude Viala (1922-2016)

Claude Viala (26th December 1922 – 30th December 2016), former AEC General Secretary, quietly passed away, shortly after his 94th birthday, in his beautiful house near Geneva. As a cellist, member of the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, teach...

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Welcome to new AEC Members!

We are very happy to welcome the Istituto Superiore Di Studi Musicali Claudio Monteverdi, Cremona, Italy, as new Active Member of the AEC.  The Cremona Civic School of Music was founded in the early seventies; later, from 2002, The Schoo...

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Latest news about NXT Project

SAVE THE DATE! NXT Making a Living from the Arts Conference, 14-15 September 2017 in Amsterdam  Are you interested in discussing entrepreneurship in the arts and how higher art education institutions are approaching it? Would you like to...

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Latest news about METRIC

Within the METRIC project, there was the second IP of the project taking place in the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, 1.-7th March 2017. The IP was aimed for teachers and learners, with the purpose of sharing and developing of the improvisation ski...

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Latest news on the RENEW project

The new AEC project RENEW (Reflective Entrepreneurial Music Education Wordclass) is shaping up! The two RENEW working groups will hold a joint meeting in Oslo at the end of April in combination with the Conference in Entrepreneurship in Music &lsq...

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Pop and Jazz Platform 2017 at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance – a brief report

The Pop and Jazz Platform Meeting 2017 (PJP) took place at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London on 17th and 18th February under the title Cross the Bar Line - "It ain't what you do it's the way that you do it"...

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EASY Pilot Project

The NEW common European Online Application System for mobility among higher music education institutions The AEC has developed a new and unique tool for its member institutions: a common European online applications system for students and teach...

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