
Calling young musicians to join the 2024 FAMEs Institute Program!

Apply now and participate in the FAME’s Institute masterclasses performing in various orchestral practices, exploring new repertoires and performance styles.

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The ECMA Switchboard – a unique presentation platform for chamber music ensembles

The online platform ECMA Switchboard presents the ECMA ensembles to the international professional audience, providing essential information for concert organisers, festival curators and agents on the lookout for young talent.

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AEC welcomes eight new members!

We are happy to announce that, in the past months, eight new member institutions have joined the AEC community. As a result, the number of AEC members amounts to 304, a record-breaking number in the history of the association.

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Registrations for the AEC Pop and Jazz Platform are open!

Register before 25 January and join us at the Syddansk Musikkonservatorium – Danish National Academy of Music in Odense, Denmark!

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Participate in the International Improvisation Competition René Arons

On 24 and 25th February 2024, the third edition of the 'International Improvisation Competition René Arons' will be organised at the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp.

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IN.TUNE: A New European Collaboration in Music and Arts

The official launch of IN.TUNE – Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe took place during the 50th annual AEC congress at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague

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AEC announces the appointment of Finn Schumacker as new Executive Director  

AEC – European Association of Conservatoires today announces the appointment of Finn Schumacker as its new Executive Director from February 2024 onwards. Finn will succeed Stefan Gies, who will retire in early 2024 after holding the position since October 2015.

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What is successful advocacy?

This month we look at the recent developments concerning the 2024 EU budget and in particular Creative Europe’s budget. To explore what successful advocacy is and how to develop, prepare and implement successful advocacy actions, AEC will hold a workshop for its members in the frame of its upcoming Annual Congress.

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Surveys for AEC Members

AEC members are invited to take part in two surveys that will help gather relevant information ultimately meant to assist Higher Music Education Institutions' staffs and students.

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TUNE Intensive Week in Vigo, (Galicia) Spain – October 16–20, 2023

From 16 to 20 October 2023, the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Vigo hosted the fourth intensive week of the TUNE (Traditional Music Undergraduate Network in Europe) project, gathering over 60 traditional music students, teachers and administrative staff from the partner institutions.

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