
AEC Goes Green – Statement on AEC and environmental sustainability

Climate change, environment and sustainable development are important issues in which everyone must do their part. For this reason, the AEC council has included in its 2020 Action Plan a strategy to improve its environmental commitment and make it a...

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AEC new Members

AEC is happy to announce that, since the beginning of the year, five new member institutions have joined our community. Four of them have become Active members, category dedicated to any conservatoire, academy or university of music, Musikhochschule...

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Updates on Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research

The 1999 Bologna Declaration made it quasi-official that the higher art education institutions are not only acting on the same level as universities and other higher education institutions, but are also subject to the same obligations as these. They ...

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News on the European Budget for Culture

For more than a year, negotiations have been under way to agree on the future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the long-term budget of the European Union for the period 2021 to 2027. While it has never been easy to balance the interests of the ...

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International Relations Coordinators: News and Publications

The AEC International Relations Coordinators (IRCs) working group has released its Manifesto 2020 that AEC member institutions are welcome to consult and take as a reference point for their international strategy. Please find it here attached The ...

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News about the Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2020

The IRCs Working Group, in collaboration with  the AEC office, decided to go ahead with the organization of the IRCs Meeting 2020. The event will take place in a hybrid format in order to let both those who want and can come to Vigo an...

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Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research

AEC is happy to present the Vienna Declaration, a Policy Paper advocating for the full recognition of Artistic Research across Europe. More than one year ago, the main organisations and transnational networks dealing with Artistic Research at Europea...

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News about the 2020 AEC Annual Congress

To our regret, the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp will, due to Covid-related restrictions, not be able to host this year's Annual Congress. The Conservatoire has instead offered to host the AEC Congress in 2021, hopefully then in a full-scale format...

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INTERMUSIC Webinar 26 June – Distance Learning in Higher Music Education

The AEC is glad to announce the International Webinar Event entitled   Distance Learning in Higher Music Education INTERMUSIC NETWORK: an international network and a platform dedicated to Distance learning for Higher Education and Musical...

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EUF launches the Erasmus+ Covid-19 Mobility Status website

As a result of the global pandemic, European Higher Education Institutions and Erasmus exchanges have been heavily affected and students and institutions alike are unsure of their future. Therefore, the  European University Foundation&nb...

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