
Claire Mera-Nelson leaving the AEC Council

As usual, elections to the Council will be held at this year's AEC General Assembly which takes place in Graz on 10 November 2018 in the framework of the AEC Annual Congress. According to article 5.5 of the AEC Statutes, members of Council are ap...

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AEC Office news

So, the angel has now flown away: After almost six years of dedicated work in the AEC office, starting as an intern still in Utrecht, but finally on a permanent position, Ángela Dominguez ("Angie") has left the AEC office team by end...

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Update on the AEC project EASY (European Online Application System)

The AEC Project for an Online Application System for mobility among Higher Music Education institutions - EASY is now coming to the end of its second year of operation. Set up user manuals and further instructions on the use of the system have been p...

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Register now for IRC 2018 in Birmingham, UK

The AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators (IRCs Meeting) will take place at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom, on 13-16 September, under the title “Beyond Europe – Bringing the World to our Instituti...

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AEC Early Music Platform -VOX 2018 Wrap up

AEC Early Music Platform - organised in connection to the multiplier event of the VOXearlyMUS Strategic Partnership Project at the National University of Music, Bucharest, 25-26 May – Wrap up   The Early Music Platform Meeting 2018 (EM...

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EPARM 2018 Wrap up

AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) at ESMAE, Porto, 22-24 March 2018 The European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) Conference 2018 took place at the Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetá...

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AEC update on lobbying and advocating activities

During the first semester of 2018, the AEC lobbying activities have been mostly targeted at strengthening and expanding cooperation with other organisations active at the European level and national level, both those active in the field of art, cultu...

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AEC-SMS Steering Group Meeting in Graz

The AEC-SMS Steering Group met in Graz for the first time on the 6th of June. The Steering Committee consists of all the chairs from different working groups (WGs) and the AEC Executive Committee. Each of the WGs has selected its own chair al...

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AEC president Eirik Birkeland elected for the EMC Board

On the 10th of June, AEC President Eirik Birkeland (Norwegian Academy of Music) was elected as new member of the European Music Council (EMC) board, during its 8th European Forum on Music on 7 - 10 June 2018 in Oslo, Norway. The new EMC Board elec...

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Registration open for Doctors in Performance 2018

The 3rd festival conference invites artistic researchers to the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) in Vilnius, Lithuania, September 4-6, 2018. Registration for attendance is now open. Doctors in Performance is a festival conf...

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