A. Strengthening of the European Music Education Sectors


‘ To strengthen and connect the levels and branches of the music education sector, helping it to become a key and united voice for music within the cultural debate ‘

Within the framework of the FULL SCORE project, the AEC has established a structured cooperation with the European Music School Union (EMU) and the European Association of Music Schools (EAS) by the creation of a Steering Committee for the Harmonisation of European Music Education (SCHEME). This strand of the FULL SCORE project seeks to strengthen the European Music Education Sector by overseeing the joint projects with EAS and EMU and exploring potential synergies and future strategies for the sector to train the musicians of tomorrow.

SCHEME members:

  • Eirik Birkeland (AEC President)
  • Georg Schulz (AEC Vice-President)
  • Stefan Gies (AEC Chief Executive Officer)
  • Gerhard Sammer (EAS President)
  • Thomas De Baets (EAS Vice-President)
  • Helena Maffli (EMU President)
  • Timo Klemettinen (EMU Managing Director)


  • Meeting twice per year, normally linked to the Annual meeting of one of the project partner organizations;
  • Attending the main yearly events of the three partner organizations (AEC/EMU/EAS);
  • Monitoring the work developed by the FULL SCORE Evaluation Working Group;
  • Consulting the three partner organizations member institutions on their priorities for a European Agenda for Music;
  • Chairing dissemination sessions to share the findings of the consultation on the European Agenda for Music;
  • Writting a joint article describing the cooperation developed by the three partner organizations;
  • Strengthening the liaison with the European Music Council (EMC) by sending representatives to their events and by actively participating in the Education Strand Working Group of the European Agenda for Music.


Expected Sustainability:

  • Long-term cooperation between the three project partner institutions
  • Findings of the European Agenda for Music integrated in the AEC Strategic Plan
  • Further cooperation with the EMC in the next stepts for the European Agenda for Music

The SCHEME Terms of Reference and meeting reports are available for AEC members upon request. For further information, please contact the AEC Office.