Each year, the AEC publishes an Annual Report in accordance with proper accounting practice but, more specifically, with its Statutes, whose Article 11.4 states that ‘The report will include a balance sheet and a profit-andloss statemen.It will also provide a detailed account of the administrative tasks performed in the preceding financial year’. In additionto fulfilling this statutory requirement, the Annual Report 2013 aims to give AEC members and external interested parties a more rounded, accessible and informative overview of the Association’s financial position and of its activities, discussions and developments as they have been realisedduring the year.
Full information on the Financial Situation of the AEC can be found in the AEC 2013 Annual Accounts. In this Annual Report, only the key elements of the Annual Accounts are included, but members interested in receiving the entire AEC 2013 Annual Accounts can do so by contacting the AEC Office.
This AEC Annual Report 2013 is a trilingual publication in which the samecontents are presented in English, on right-hand pages, and in French and German on left-hand pages. It is available for downloading in PDF-format from the Publications section of the AEC website.