AEC Vision & Mission
AEC is a voluntary coalition representing Higher Music Education Institutions (HMEIs) in Europe and beyond.
AEC is the leading voice for Higher Music Education in Europe, a powerful advocate for its member institutions.
AEC understands and supports music and arts education, together with cultural participation, as central contributors to quality in human life, and inclusive societies founded on democratic values.
AEC sees professionally focused arts education as a quest for excellence in three areas: artistic practice; learning and teaching; research and innovation. It seeks to foster these elements and to encourage the diversity and dynamism with which they are pursued in different institutions, countries and regions.
AEC works for the advancement of Higher Education in the performing arts, primarily focusing on music. It does this based on three pillars:
- Pillar 1: Fostering the value of music and music education in society
- Pillar 2: Enhancing quality in Higher Music Education
- Pillar 3: Promoting participation, inclusiveness and diversity
AEC operates inclusively, sustainably, efficiently and effectively, enabling communication and sharing of good practice.
AEC Strategic Plan
To find out more about the Vision and Mission of the association, read the AEC Strategic Plan 2016-2023!