General Information
The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow is a public HEI.
In February 1888, Professor Władysław Żeleński, an eminent Polish composer, established and became the head of the Conservatory of Music. Despite being closed dur¬ing the World Wars, the Conservatory survived and after World War II, and in August 1945 started up again as the State School of Music. The most intensive development has taken place since the sev¬enties when Professor Krzysztof Penderecki – a world famous composer – became the Rector of the Academy. It was his ini¬tiative to turn the Academy into a world renowned school and an important centre of musical education in Central Europe. The artistic personality of Professor Penderecki has had a major impact on many eminent specialists in Poland and abroad. In more recent times the Academy has become an institution focused on the newest ideas and developments in Art, Research and Education.
Today the main activities at the Academy remain focused on Instrumental and Vocal Performance, Composition, Conduct¬ing, Music Education and the Theory of Music. The Academy regularly organizes artistic, educational and scientific events such as concerts, music workshops, conferences and seminars.
In December 2020 the President of the Republic of Poland signed a new act altering the name of the Academy of Music in Kraków into The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of Music in Kraków.
The academic year in Poland is divided into two semes¬ters, each lasting 15 weeks.
• winter semester begins in October and ends in January.
• spring semester begins in February and ends in June.
The Academy offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programmes within three Faculties: COMPOSITION, INTERPRETATION and MUSICAL EDUCATION, INSTRUMENTAL, and VOCAL AND DRAMA.