
AEC-SMS project approaching its end: measuring the impact and looking for testimonials

Have you (or your institution) benefited from the AEC-Strengthening Music in Society outcomes? Let us know how!

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International Online Conference organised by the Czech Music Council and HAMU

Join the online conference on the relation between education and the labour market in classical music on 1-2 October 2021.

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A new academic year on the doorstep

The third academic year marked by the pandemic will soon begin. The right time to advocate towards national and local political decision-makers for investing money from the European COVID recovery fund to strengthen the digital infrastructure at Music HEIs

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Sibelius Sum­mer Acad­emy piano and wind in­stru­ment courses carry on in on­line video ma­te­ri­als

Sibelius Summer Academy published the video material of this year's courses.

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Let’s Get Digital! Competition for hybrid concert formats

Apply with your hybrid concert idea before 11 October 2021!

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MusiQuE now operating in Germany!

MusiQuE has been authorised by the German Accreditation Council to operate in Germany.

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AEC Early Music Platform 2021

Registration for the AEC Early Music Platform 2021 is open!

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AEC SMS WG 3 Teacher/Staff Training in The Hague, The Netherlands, 30 August 2021 – 3 September 2021

The SMS Working Group on Entrepreneurial Mind-set for Musicians is offering a five-day Teacher/Staff Training, focusing on observing a student bootcamp as an instrument for teaching entrepreneurial skills and an entrepreneurial mindset in conservatoires.

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WG3 podcast series is now complete!

Listen to the SMS podcast: Music in Society - Nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset in Higher Music Education!

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Dissemination of the outcomes of the SMS Internationalisation and Mobility Strand at ERACON

The AEC representatives gave a presentation focusing on AEC actions in Internationalisation and Transnational Mobility in Higher Music Studies at the Erasmus Coordinators Conference (ERACON) in Varna, Bulgaria, on 7 July.

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