
The second edition of the conference “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Classical Music”

The Reina Sofía School of Music (Madrid, Spain) celebrates the second edition of the conference "Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Classical Music". The first edition of the Conference was successfully organised in 2019 at the Reina...

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Classical:NEXT Higher Music Education Meetup

Classical:NEXT is hosting a forum for Higher Music Education colleagues to discuss issues we now face. Four administrators from around the globe will talk about their experiences, followed by a public discussion about the future and how to ...

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One week left to apply for the 2020 AEC Council Elections

The deadline to apply to join the AEC Council is fast approaching! As announced via email last week, AEC active members will elect candidates for the following posts during the General Assembly in November which will be held in a hybrid forma...

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Invitation to Multiplier Seminar for Doctoral Supervisors in Artistic Research

Under the title Feed-back, Feed-forward: Approaches to artistic feedback in doctoral supervision, the seminar shares the intellectual outputs of The Art of Feedback, a project located within the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project...

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Early Music Summit – Our Future Past: Early Music in Context

REMA, the European Network for Early Music in collaboration with the AEC, is organizing an Early Music Summit on 20-22 November. The event will take place in hybrid form in BOZAR (Brussels) and Online. On Friday 20 November, the session and concerts ...

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EASY Webinar 2020

The AEC is glad to announce the EASY Webinar 2020. This online event will take place on Zoom at from 14:00 to 17:30. There is no registration required, participants can join freely and forward...

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Open Letter: European Democracy Action Plan

The AEC had contributed to the Open Letter on the European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP) and freedom of artistic expression, which was submitted in response to the public consultation by the European Commission on the EDAP. Along with 16 other organis...

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Higher Arts Education Networks’ SZFE Solidarity Statement

Since the beginning of September, the steering bodies of the Budapest University of Theatre and Film Arts (SZFE) were disempowered and replaced by a board whose members were appointed by the Hungarian government under Prime Minister Viktor Orbá...

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The IRCs Meeting 2020 goes ONLINE

Due to the current Coronavirus situation in Europe, where the number of cases is raising in several countries and regionst, the IRCs working group has decided to convert the upcoming Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators in Vigo fro...

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Update on DEMUSIS project during COVID-19 health crisis

Enhancing the digital competencies and entrepreneurship skills of academic musicians in Serbia for culturally more engaged society – DEMUSIS is a Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education (CBHE) project funded by Erasmus+ pro...

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