
STAMP project: Training and Lifelong Learning for Music Professionals

The STAMP project aims to answer a need voiced by professionals in the music sector for greater VET (vocation, education and training) and the related process of lifelong learning. In this project the European Music Council (EMC) has brought toget...

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Happy 30th Birthday Erasmus+ Programme

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme which supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe; providing opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.  Set to last until 2020...

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STATEMENT OF LISBOA “What kind of cooperation for culture?”

A few days ago LIKE was in Lisbon for the second act of its [R]evolution : La Rencontre de Lisboa - What kind of cooperation for culture?   With more than 60 participants of 15 nationalities, 18 high-profile speakers (...

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Pearle Press Release – General assembly meeting Copenhagen

Pearle members discuss EU policy proposals and their impact on the daily life of their organisations (Copenhagen/Brussels 03 June 2017) - How does the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers deal with cultural policy at EU level and how d...

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A new Europe for a New World, Art School in the era of Globalisation

ANdEA, the Association nationale des écoles supérieures d’art, has decided to dedicate its summer seminar to the theme of globalisation and its impact on higher art education. ​The seminar will take place on 7-8 September 201...

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Music Education Master Programme, European University of Cyprus

The European University Cyprus is happy to present a new graduate programme in Music Education (MMuEd) taught in the Greek and English language, which may be of interest to the AEC member institutions both from Europe and beyond. The programme is ...

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Accademia Vivaldi 2017

The music of Antonio Vivaldi is in extricably linked to Venice. It is therefore only natural to introduce a new international generation of musicians to his music for the first time in a summer academy dedicated to Vivaldi, driven by the latest devel...

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First European Music School Research Symposium, October 6th and 7th 2017 in Vienna

THE FUTURE OF MUSIC SCHOOLS - TODAY´S CHALLENGES AND TOMORROW´S SOLUTION The first European Music School Symposium is organized by the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies, University of Music and Performing Arts V...

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3rd international summer school of the Academy of Music Ljubljana, Slovenia

MASTERCLASSES from 5 till 15 July 2017  Organisation: University of Ljubljana/ Academy of Music Artistic director: Egon Mihajlović Charlotte Lehmann (Germany) – singing Vocal tehnique & free literature (cantatas, arias, opera an...

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Latest news from MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement

MusiQuE - Music Quality Enhancement, the Foundation for Quality Enhancement and Accreditation in Higher Music Education has been very active in the last months.   Since November 2016, MusiQuE has conducted 6 site-visits in the framework of rev...

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