
AEC Early Music Platform 2017 (EMP) at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands – a brief report

The Early Music Platform Forum 2017 took place at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague on 23-24 March in collaboration with REMA and EUBO in the framework of the EU funded project EMBA (EUBO Mobile Baroque Academy).The Forum addressed a core theme, &...

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AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) 2017 at the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp, Belgium – a brief report

The AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM)  2017 took place at the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp on 20-22 April under the title "Staging Research: from the laboratory to the stage and back again". The event...

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Upcoming events: AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia

The AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators (IRCs Meeting) will take place at the Tbilisi State Conservatoire (Georgia), 21-24 September 2017, under the title “Diversity: Independently Together”. Online registrations o...

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Latest news from MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement –

MusiQuE - Music Quality Enhancement, the Foundation for Quality Enhancement and Accreditation in Higher Music Education has been very active in the last months. MusiQuE is currently coordinating and/or preparing several quality enhancement and accre...

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RENEW project – Latest news!

The RENEW project - Reflective Entrepreneurial Music Education Wordclass (2016-2018) - aims to promote entrepreneurship as an important component of higher music education (HME) programmes.   The RENEW working group members met in Oslo at the ...

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End of the EASY Pilot Project Phase 1!

The EASY pilot project aiming at creating a common European online Applications SYstem for students and teachers exchanges within the ERASMUS and NORDPLUS programmes (EASY) is ending its first phase! Thanks to the joint effort of the 41 pilot inst...

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AEC new project: Strengthening Music in Society (AEC-SMS)

AEC is pleased to present its new project 'Strengthening Music in Society' (AEC-SMS), which will start on 1st December 2017 for 4 years. The project will be supported by the EU Creative Europe programme - Support to European Networks. Thou...

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AEC Update on Lobbying and Advocating for Higher Music Education

In order to increase its connection with AEC members and to extend its knowledge of the various national situations, AEC Council has decided to organize more if its regular meetings all across Europe in order to schedule meetings with representatives...

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FULL SCORE project update: the Steering Committee for the Harmonisation of the European Music Education (SCHEME)

The Steering Committee for the Harmonisation of the European Music Education (SCHEME), composed of representatives of the AEC, the European Music School Union (EMU) and the European Association of Music Schools (EAS), held its last meeting under the ...

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Call for applications: Learning and Teaching Platform Working Group (L&T WG)

The Platform for learning and teaching in music performance education aims to be a broad and inclusive network of AEC member institutions developing projects and activities to investigate, develop and strengthen learning and teaching processes in mus...

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