
Last performances of Opera InCanto

Performances ofTurandot in Germany, Croatia and Spain close this innovative interdisciplinary project on opera.

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Music Higher Education Meets the Cyber Dimension

The MUSENSE project, aiming to support higher music education institutions in embracing the digital shift, has just started.

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Meet the members of the ARTEMIS Working Groups!

AEC is glad to announce the composition of the different Working Groups and Task Forces that will carry out the activities foreseen within the ARTEMIS project.

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Update on AEC’s Advocacy Activities – Strengthening the sector

AEC has worked further with partners towards a better recognition of artistic research and has joined a European Pact for Skills to strengthen the sector. The European Commission has responded to one of AEC’s initiatives to support Ukraine.

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LEAD! The new international orchestra project of Sibelius Academy

A new orchestra project organised as collaboration between students from three music universities! Concerts in September 2022

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Stauffer Center for Strings: exclusive Masterclasses and workshops

In June and July 2022 new courses open for talented string players at Stauffer Center for Strings in Cremona

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Embodied Reflection in Artistic Practice: RAPP Lab meets Forum Künstlerische Forschung

On Friday 6 May 2022, the RAPP Lab 3 will meet the "Forum Künstlerische Forschung" at the HfMT Cologne.

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Latest news from MusiQuE on review procedures and internal developments

MusiQuE has recently completed several review procedures, conducted critical friend visits and held its Spring Board meeting.

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Update on AEC’s Advocacy Activities – Solidarity with Ukraine

Directly or indirectly, the war determines the current activities of the AEC in April 2022, e.g. in terms of facilitating the provision of study places or job opportunities for refugees from Ukraine.

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Orpheus Instituut upcoming events

Orpheus Instituut announces a seminar on music NFTs, a colloquium on Artist-Researchers’ Negotiations Between Text and Act and a call for the HIPEX Summer Academy.

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