
AEC Pop and Jazz Working Group: call for new members

AEC is launching an Open Call for members interested in participating in the Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP) Preparatory Working Group. The main activity of the PJP Working Group is to organise yearly conferences addressing music...

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Advocacy updates

This year, which has been a very special year in many respects, is coming to an end, and it is therefore time to draw a conclusion, but also to give an outlook on what lies ahead in the next few months. As far as it is about the European institution...

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Woman in Formal Leadership Positions in Music Organisation – Survey

NEWS in MAP is a three-year strategic partnership project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. The context for this project lies in the discrepancy between the skill set required by the music profession and the tradition...

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Your first EURES job – Transnational mobility platform

Your first EURES job (YfEj) is a European Union job mobility scheme to help employers find qualified workers and to help young Europeans find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunity in another EU country, Norway or Iceland.  The p...

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II International Internet Competition Constantine the Great 2021

The II International Internet Competition Constantine the Great is organised online by the Faculty of Arts in Niš, the University of Niš and the City of Niš, in order to connect people, remove all geograp...

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Invitation to SEMINAR – The entrepreneurial mindset in time of uncertainty

The COVID-19 crisis has hit the culture sector very hard. Concert halls, venues, festivals were the first to close and the last to reopen, with a part still not operating at all. Despite strict confinement to temper the pandemic, music didn’t s...

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MusiQuE’s registration on EQAR has been renewed!

The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) has officially announced that the application of MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement to renew its registration was successful. EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register f...

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AEC Vice President and Council Member elected at the General Assembly 2020

During the AEC General Assembly 2020, which took place online on Saturday 7th November in the frame of the 47th AEC Annual Congress, the AEC active members voted to elect members of the AEC Executive Committee (ExCom) and the...

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The Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2020: wrap up

The Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2020 was organised this year fully online, under the title Ready to Change? Digitisation, crisis management and green thinking for a sustainable future in the framework of the AEC ...

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AEC Congress 2020 “Connecting Communities in the Digital Age”: wrap up

The 47th AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2020 took place online on 5-7 November under the title “Connecting Communities in the Digital Age”. This year, due to the pandemic, the Congress and General Assembly were he...

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