Call for an External Evaluator for ECMA PRO: International Career Development and Socially Engaged Outreach in Chamber Music, Creative Europe project
The AEC is currently looking for an external evaluator for a new ECMA PRO: International Career Development and Socially Engaged Outreach in Chamber Music, Creative Europe project (2020-2024). The ECMA PRO project is a four-year Cooperation ...
Read moreAEC Annual Congress 2020 “Going On(line) – Connecting Communities in the Digital Age”: registrations are open!
AEC has launched registrations to take part in the AEC Annual Congress 2020 under the title “Going On(line) - Connecting Communities in the Digital Age”. The event will take place for the first time as a mainly online event hosted by the ...
Read moreNew master study programs developed and accredited within DEMUSIS project
Following the study of needs conducted at the three national academic institutions within DEMUSIS project with about 842 students and 215 teachers participating, Institutional quality enhancement review of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade conducted b...
Read moreRegistration is open for the MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training Workshop 2020 – 16, 29 and 30 October 2020
Are you interested in becoming a peer reviewer for MusiQuE - Music Quality Enhancement, in reflecting on your experience and practice as peer reviewer, or more generally in quality enhancement and accreditation in conservatoires? Then this train...
Read moreCitizens Assembly on Power Relations in Higher Music Education (PRIhME) awarded €400,000 Erasmus Funding
AEC is delighted to announce that our commitment to address power relations in higher music education has made a decisive step forward, with the award of €400,000 from the Erasmus+ Programme. It has become known in recent decades that systemi...
Read moreThe SMS project – the official launch of the website
AEC is pleased to announce the launch of the official website of the Strengthening Music in Society (SMS) project. The SMS website is now ready to disseminate project outcomes with the broader audience of the AEC Community, Higher Music Educatio...
Read moreUpdates on AEC Advocacy
What has happened in the past few months has not been without effect on AEC's lobbying and advocacy activities. All in all, it can be noted that many processes have slowed down. But it would not be fair to consider the pandemic as cause of all ev...
Read moreThe second edition of the conference “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Classical Music”
The Reina Sofía School of Music (Madrid, Spain) celebrates the second edition of the conference "Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Classical Music". The first edition of the Conference was successfully organised in 2019 at the Reina...
Read moreClassical:NEXT Higher Music Education Meetup
Classical:NEXT is hosting a forum for Higher Music Education colleagues to discuss issues we now face. Four administrators from around the globe will talk about their experiences, followed by a public discussion about the future and how to ...
Read moreOne week left to apply for the 2020 AEC Council Elections
The deadline to apply to join the AEC Council is fast approaching! As announced via email last week, AEC active members will elect candidates for the following posts during the General Assembly in November which will be held in a hybrid forma...
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