In early 2016 the SWG began researching different styles of Student Representation Systems (SRSs) throughout the AEC community, and approached institutions to ask what problems they faced and how they overcame them with the thought that their experience could help other institutions in similar circumstances. Thus this Handbook was born with a large focus on a Troubleshooting section and how students and institutions can work through these issues together using the experience of others, including good practice examples across Europe. The handbook also includes links to the following supporting documents: a student charter sample, a constitution template, a guide to effective meetings and a detailed guide to setting up a Student Council.
[EN] Increasing student voice in Higher Music Education institutions - tips and guidelines from the AEC Student WG
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[FR] Valoriser la voix des étudiants dans les établissements d’enseignement musical supérieur: Conseils et suggestions du groupe de travail étudiant de l’AEC
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[IT] Potenziare la voce degli studenti negli Istituti di Alta Formazione Musicale: Suggerimenti e linee guida del gruppo di lavoro degli studenti AEC
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[ES] Dar voz a los estudiantes en las instituciones de Enseñanzas Musicales Superiores: Consejos y directrices del grupo de trabajo de estudiantes de la AEC
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[PL] Zwiększanie znaczenia głosu studentów w instytucjach wyższego szkolnictwa muzycznego: Wskazówki i wytyczne Grupy roboczej studentów AEC
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