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IMZ Academy – co-organised by AEC

The IMZ Academy is a master class-series for young and established professionals in the area of audiovisual music + dance production. Highly practical workshops and interactive seminars facilitate intensive exchange between renowned experts and talented practitioners.

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Call for Hosting Venues for AEC Events

AEC events are a unique networking opportunity for AEC members to meet and get to know fellow colleagues and institutions, engage in interesting discussions, exchange good practices and being active at international level.

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Early Music Platform Meeting 2014

The aim of the AEC Early Music Platform (EMP) is to bring together heads of departments, teachers and students in the field of early music to discuss relevant issues and to promote European cooperation in this field.

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‘Polifonia’ Final Conference – The Musician as Creative Entrepreneur

The concluding conference of the Polifonia Project working group dedicated to “Lifelong learning in Music: Educating for Entrepreneurship” will provide an opportunity for students, teachers, conservatoire directors, and music professionals from across Europe to come together to learn about, reflect upon, and imagine the extensive possibilities offered by the many facets of musical entrepreneurship.

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IMZ Academy 2020 – supported by AEC

Entirely online, the IMZ Academy “The complete performer of the future – embracing media skills in music education” explores how conservatories can integrate media skills training into their syllabi to prepare students effectively for the challenges + opportunities presented by the digital world.

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News in Map – Staff Training on Entrepreneurship and Leadership

The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project News in Map organises a full week of online lectures and discussions dedicated to entrepreneurship and leadership from 26 to 30 October 2020. Register for free by filling in the form in the Registration Tab of this page. At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of attendance.

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Mobility: Recognition, Monitoring and Joint Degrees

Since its launch in 2004, the ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ has proactively addressed European higher education policy issues from the perspective of higher music education (HME).

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Lifelong Learning: Educating for Entrepreneurship

Since its launch in 2004, the ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ has proactively addressed European higher education policy issues from the perspective of higher music education (HME).

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Quality Enhancement, Accreditation and Benchmarking

Since its launch in 2004, the ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ has proactively addressed European higher education policy issues from the perspective of higher music education (HME).

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Artistic Research in Music

Since its launch in 2004, the ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ has proactively addressed European higher education policy issues from the perspective of higher music education (HME).

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