
New opportunities to get involved with MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement

MusiQuE is searching for a new Board member (deadline to apply: 6 October 2021) and organising its Peer-reviewer Training workshop on 25 October, 3 and 4 November 2021.

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Looking Outward – An act of curiosity

How do you develop your ability to be curious? How do you learn from other disciplines and why should you? Join the public presentation of the Looking Outward project on Tuesday 26 October!

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Preview Porto 2021: online forum around the Opera of the 21st Century

On 29-30 September and 1 October, join the online discussion on the 21st Century Opera!

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Invitation to Montepulciano: The first RAPP Lab Event is coming up soon!

Symposium "Developing Critical Reflection and Cognitive Skills in Art Practice", 24 September 2021 at the European Academy for Music and Performing Arts Palazzo Ricci in Montepulciano.

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UBUNTU Masterclasses: coaching platform for musicians

This autumn join Daisylydia masterclasses - "Music’s answer to a sports coach"

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AEC-SMS project approaching its end: measuring the impact and looking for testimonials

Have you (or your institution) benefited from the AEC-Strengthening Music in Society outcomes? Let us know how!

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International Online Conference organised by the Czech Music Council and HAMU

Join the online conference on the relation between education and the labour market in classical music on 1-2 October 2021.

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A new academic year on the doorstep

The third academic year marked by the pandemic will soon begin. The right time to advocate towards national and local political decision-makers for investing money from the European COVID recovery fund to strengthen the digital infrastructure at Music HEIs

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Sibelius Sum­mer Acad­emy piano and wind in­stru­ment courses carry on in on­line video ma­te­ri­als

Sibelius Summer Academy published the video material of this year's courses.

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Let’s Get Digital! Competition for hybrid concert formats

Apply with your hybrid concert idea before 11 October 2021!

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