
Survey: Work-integrated Learning in the Music Academy

In the framework of the project “Work-integrated Learning in the Music Academy” (WILMA), the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) and the Centre for Excellence in Music Performance Education (CEMPE) at the Norwegian Academy of Music are...

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Update on the European project ECMA Pro

ECMA (European Chamber Music Academy) Pro is an EU co-funded cooperation project tackling career development and socially engaged outreach in chamber music. Over the course of four years, twelve partner institutions join forces to further develop ECM...

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LoLa v2.0: three points distance live musical performance

The AEC Congress 2020 online featured the official première of the LoLa v2.0 with a live performance from three different locations, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project SWING. The performance involved the AEC memb...

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AEC Pop and Jazz Platform: call for contributions

“The creative artist – the creative teacher” AEC is excited to announce that the AEC Pop and Jazz conference 2021 will be held online on February 11-13, 2021. The PJP Working Group invites colleagues from AEC institutions to c...

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European Early Music Summit 2020: wrap up

REMA, the European Network for Early Music, in collaboration with AEC, organised The European Early Music Summit 2020 online on 20-22 November. Under the title “Our Future Past: Early Music in Context”, the event (which gathered more t...

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AEC Pop and Jazz Working Group: call for new members

AEC is launching an Open Call for members interested in participating in the Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP) Preparatory Working Group. The main activity of the PJP Working Group is to organise yearly conferences addressing music...

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Advocacy updates

This year, which has been a very special year in many respects, is coming to an end, and it is therefore time to draw a conclusion, but also to give an outlook on what lies ahead in the next few months. As far as it is about the European institution...

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Woman in Formal Leadership Positions in Music Organisation – Survey

NEWS in MAP is a three-year strategic partnership project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme. The context for this project lies in the discrepancy between the skill set required by the music profession and the tradition...

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Your first EURES job – Transnational mobility platform

Your first EURES job (YfEj) is a European Union job mobility scheme to help employers find qualified workers and to help young Europeans find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunity in another EU country, Norway or Iceland.  The p...

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II International Internet Competition Constantine the Great 2021

The II International Internet Competition Constantine the Great is organised online by the Faculty of Arts in Niš, the University of Niš and the City of Niš, in order to connect people, remove all geograp...

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