
AEC European Online Application System – EASY Update

The AEC Pilot Project for an Online Application System for mobility among higher music education institutions - EASY entered its second year of operation. The new version of the system has been presented during the two AEC meetings in Tbilisi and Zag...

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The AEC Learning Outcomes 2017 now available in English, French and German

Learning outcomes are statements of what a student is expected to know, understand and be able to do at the end of a period of learning. The AEC has developed learning outcomes specific to higher music education (HME). These AEC Learning Outcomes, wh...

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Upcoming AEC Events 2018

AEC Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP) – Conservatorio di Musica “L. D’Annunzio”, Pescara (Italy), 9-10 February 2018. Registrations (early bird deadline 15 January) open at   AEC European Platform for...

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Pop and Jazz Platform 2018 at Conservatorio di Musica “L. D’ Annunzio” in Pescara, Italy – Registrations are now open

The Pop and Jazz Platform Meeting 2018 will take place at the Conservatorio di Musica “L. D’ Annunzio” in Pescara on 9th and 10th February under the title:   PLAY Easy to say, hard to do? Please find HERE the invitati...

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AEC Congress and General Assembly 2017 Wrap up

The 44th AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2017 took place at the Academy of Music, University of Zagreb,  in Croatia on 9th – 11th November under the title “Leadership in the Arts, the Arts of Leadership”. This theme co...

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RENEW Project: update and final conference announcement

Within the RENEW project on Entrepreneurship (Reflective Entrepreneurial Music Education Wordclass), the six RENEW partner institutions* have jointly organized a set of two student bootcamps including an e-learning period of 1.5 months (in-between bo...

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Update on AEC Lobbying and Advocating for Higher Music Education

AEC is proud to close an intense year of lobbying and advocating activities all over Europe and overseas with visible results and promising prospects. During the last trimester of 2017, AEC representatives have participated in a high number of mee...

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Health education in European music institutions survey

AEC is happy to share the Health education in European music institutions survey carried out by a phd student from the ​Royal Northern College of Music, in Manchester, UK as part of a wider project called  'Musical Impact', which ...

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Royal Conservatoire The Hague: Master Specialisation Ensemble Singing

A new course will be launched by the Royal Conservatoire The Hague in the academic year 2018-2019: a Master Specialisation Ensemble Singing. The Royal Conservatoire The Hague has formed a partnership with the Nederlands Kamerkoor (Netherlands Cham...

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4th Edition of Sentiamoci a Parma, International Ear training workshop and forum

SENTIAMOCI A PARMA 2018 Eartraining Workshop and Forum 4th edition Parma, Conservatorio “Arrigo Boito” Auditorium del Carmine 24-27 January 2018 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP AND FORUM   For several years, the Conservatorio &l...

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