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Pre-College Music Education in Europe

It may seem unexpected to find a chapter about the pre-college level as part of a project that focuses on higher education. But there are good reasons to include pre-college education in the research on the current situation of professional music training in European higher education.Professional musicians usually start learning music at a very young age and continue being active as musicians until or even after they retire. This makes music one of the most evident examples of lifelong learning and a subject area distinguishing itself in this sense from many other disciplines in higher education. 

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Today’s Student: Tomorrow’s Alumnus

This handbook sets out to examine ways in which conservatoires can cultivate good relationships with their alumni. Behind this is the assumption that it is desirable to have good relationships with our alumni. Why do we want to do this? What can conservatoires do for their alumni? What can alumni do for conservatoires? What can alumni do for each other?  

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AEC Handbook – Guide to Third Cycle Studies in Higher MusicEducation

This Guide has been devised with two principles in mind:• Third Cycle programmes are research-based. • Any Third Cycle is a Doctorate and vice versa.

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AEC Manuel – Guide des études de troisième cycle dans l enseignement musical supérieur

Ce manuel a été rédigé sans perdre de vue deux principes:• Les programmes de troisième cycle sont fondés sur la recherche;• Tout troisième cycle correspond à doctorat, et inversement.

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AEC Handbuch – Leitfaden für das Studium im dritten Zyklus in der Höheren Musikausbildung

Beim Entwurf dieses Leitfadens wurden zwei Grundsätze berücksichtigt:• Studienprogramme im dritten Zyklus basieren auf Forschung.• Jeder dritte Studienzyklus ist ein Doktorat und umgekehrt.

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AEC Handbook – Curriculum Design and Development in Higher Music Education

This handbook is intended as a short guide for those who work in conservatoires and are involved with organising the types and patterns of teaching that go on there. 

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AEC Handbook – The International Recognition of Studies and Qualifications in Higher Music Education

One of the main aims of ‘Mundus Musicalis’ was to create a greater understanding of issues regarding professional music training in and outside Europe, leading to the removal of obstacles in relation to the recognition of music studies and qualifications, in order to facilitate an increased mobility and employability of students, teachers and professionals. 

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Literature Study – Preparing Young Musicians for ProfessionalTraining

Professional musicians usually start learning music at a very young age and continue being active as musicians until or even after they retire. This makes music one of the most evident examples of lifelong learning and also a subject area that distinguishes itself in this sense from many other disciplines in higher education.

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AEC to the Green Paper “Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries

Reactions to European Developments

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AEC Contribution to EU programmes for education and training

Responses to European Developments 

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