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What is U-Multirank?

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AEC keeps a close eye on developments taking place across European and international education and tries, where appropriate, to participate in and influence them. This includes even sensitive areas such as that of ranking, which so far have focused on universities research performance and reputation and have been of limited interest for Higher Music Education (HME).

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EUBO Mobile Baroque Academy 2015-2018

The European Union Baroque Orchestra (EUBO) Mobile Baroque Academy (EMBA) is the result of a partnership formed between 10 prominent arts organizations across Europe for the period 2015-2018, and is co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme.

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NXT Project 2015-2018

This larger-scale interdisciplinary project involving 20 partners with relevant expertise from higher arts education institutes, incubator initiatives and cultural providers, and it is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the EU Commission for the period 2015-2018.

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PHExcel 2013-2015

AEC was involved as partner in the PHExcel project focusing on Testing the Feasibility of a Quality Label for Professional Higher Education Excellence. This project run from October 2013 until December 2015.

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InMusWB 2011-2014

The project ’Introducing Interdisciplinarity in Music Studies in the Western Balkans in Line with European Perspective’ was a multi-country project (Serbia, Kosovo–under UNSCR 1244, Bosnia, Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Brussels, Slovenia and Sweden) that encompassed high education in the field of music with the development of interdisciplinary approaches as its priority.

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CoPeCo was a project aimed at developing a new two-year European joint master's study programme in performance and composition and a new platform for contemporary music that is grounded in current European cultural contexts.

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PRACTICS 2008-2011

PRACTICS was a 3-year project that took place between 2008-2011 under the EU "Artist Mobility" pilot programme.

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The evaluation of musical, and wider artistic, outputs is becoming a requirement of the effective operation of many conservatoires and higher arts institutions. With evaluation comes the more controversial prospect of ranking.

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Sida Western Balkans Project 2009-2011

‘Widening Participation on the Road to Membership’ was a project funded by the Swedish developmental agency Sida in the Western Balkans region.

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