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  • Firenze, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio Statale Di Musica "Luigi Cherubini"

Conservatorio Statale Di Musica "Luigi Cherubini"

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  • Trieste, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio Statale di Musica "G. Tartini"

The Conservatorio Giuseppe Tartini is celebrating this year the 110th anniversary of its foundation which goes back to when Trieste was still a city of the Habsburg Empire, precisely its main harbour.Its main aims...

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  • Pesaro, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio Statale di Musica "G. Rossini"

State Music Conservatoire "G. Rossini" has been founded as a voice and composition school on Gioachino Rossini will. Now it is owned by the Italian government, and its dimension have increased during the years: the average number of stud...

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  • Messina, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio Statale di Musica "A. Corelli"

The Conservatory of Music "Arcangelo Corelli" of Messina has a long and glorious history. It started as School of Music "Filarmonica Laudamo", founded in 1938. Three years later it became High School of Music "Antonio Laud...

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  • Foggia, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio di Musica "Umberto Giordano" - Foggia

The Conservatory of Music “U. Giordano" of Foggia is a state institution of Higher Education working in the field of music. Alongside approximately 500 students doing bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

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  • Lecce, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio di Musica Tito Schipa

Tito Schipa Conservatory in Lecce is one of the leading Music Institutes in Southern Italy: there are thirty-two specialist programs leading to an under- or postgraduate degree, more than 980 students and 130 teac...

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  • Palermo, Italy | Active members

Conservatorio di Musica Statale «Alessandro Scarlatti»

Il Conservatorio di Musica “Alessandro Scarlatti”, già Vincenzo Bellini di Palermo mira a ottenere e sostenere l’eccellenza in ogni area d’insegnamento.

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