
StAMP Virtual Conservatoire – 20 March 2021

The University of St Andrews will continue its StAMP Virtual Conservatoire programme this spring with a multifaceted session delivered by its renowned team of tutors (including the University’s ensemble in residence, The Wallace Collection) and...

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Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition (5th edition)

The Ludwig van Beethoven Department for Piano in Music Education at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna has announced the 5th edition of the Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition.  Since 2010, this competition has be...

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IV Tallinn International Piano Competition

The 4th Tallinn International Piano Competition will take place from 25 November to 3 December 2021 at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The competition is open to all pianists up to the age of 32. All competition rounds take place a...

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The AEC Pop and Jazz Platform meeting 2021: wrap up

The first virtual PJP meeting took place on February 11-14, 2021 with a record number of 263 participants from more than 95 institutions. The AEC and the PJP Working group members are very proud to have organised such a successful gathering full of...

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i-Portunus 2020-21 – EU mobility scheme for artists, creators and cultural professionals: calls for applications for music and cultural heritage

i-Portunus supports the mobility of artists, creators and cultural professionals among all countries participating in the Creative Europe programme. The programme entered its second pilot phase and it’s co-funded by the Creative Europe Programm...

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Artistic Research-based Music Education: EPARM pre-conference online workshop by the AEC SMS Learning & Teaching Working Group

The AEC is glad to invite all its members to the online workshop Artistic Research-based Music Education, organised by the AEC SMS Learning & Teaching Working Group as a pre-conference session at the upcoming online meeting of the Europ...

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“The Quodlibet” – AEC’s new online and open forum for dialogue on all matters of Early Music

Early Music (HP/HIP - Historically Informed Performance) has come a long way in the last few decades and increasingly plays a vital role in higher education institutions. This period has seen many new challenges and whilst it is important to reflect ...

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The recording of the webinar on music education co-organised by AEC is now available

On Friday 5 February 2021, the European Music Council (EMC) hosted, as part of an ongoing series of presentations from among its members, a webinar titled European Agenda for access to music education, organised by the Steering Committee for the Harm...

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Updates on AEC advocacy activities

Shortly before Christmas, the shocking news arrived that the United Kingdom would fully withdraw from the Erasmus program. This is remarkable insofar as, as the example of Switzerland shows, it would certainly have been possible to continue individua...

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Violanet (European Viola da Gamba Network) online Project Week

The European Viola da Gamba Network - Violanet aims to develop a European network between universities and higher music education institutions to create courses of study for the Viola da Gamba, strengthening the skills of the music students, pro...

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