Strand 3: Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurial mind-set for musicians)
- Embed entrepreneurial skills in the education of the artist in order to better prepare students for the challenges they will face in their future role as musicianentrepreneur.
- Enable artists to gain new skills which will enrich their professional life and embrace their chances on the labour market.
“Make Music Work” mobile/web app on entrepreneurship
The Web App is designed to inspire further reading and discussion among students, teachers and management of HMEIs. This tool contains a set of relevant materials on various topics (entrepreneurship, mindset & well-being, marketing & communication, management & monetization, curriculum, HME in society), and in various formats (tutorials, podcasts, literature lists and links to research, articles, presentations and interviews).
Podcasts “Music in Society – Nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset in higher music education”
The set of podcasts features five episodes:
- The entrepreneurial mind-set in time of uncertainty with Libby Percival and Canberk Duman
- Let’s talk about #Mindset: a psychological perspective with Gerry Fitzpatrick and Vourneen Ryan
- Institutional change – in relation to teaching entrepreneurship with Martin Prchal and Roxanna Albayati
- Agency in learning with Lia Pale and Berginald Rash
- Decolonising canon with Nathan Holder and Viola Cheung
Entrepreneurial bootcamps and teacher trainings
As part of the project Demusis, members of the WG3 contributed to designing and organising bootcamps and related teacher trainings. In the teacher trainings, the teaching staff learned how to design an entrepreneurial bootcamp for students. Afterwards, the teachers observed the student bootcamp taking place and reflect on this particular instrument for teaching entrepreneurial skills and an entrepreneurial mindset in HMEIs.
The entrepreneurial bootcamp is an educational instrument that allows students to develop a lot of so-called career skills in a short period of time. In only a few days students learn by doing how they can function in society as artists in different roles and different contexts. Students are challenged to make use of their creativity, their ability to collaborate and their communicative skills. They explore different aspects of their artistic identity in a setting outside the walls of their educational institution.
Together with the SMS WG5, dedicated to learning and teaching, WG3 delivered a teacher training in The Hague from 30 August to 3 September 2021. The training was addressed to HMEIs teachers, offering the opportunity to observe an ‘entrepreneurial bootcamp’ taking place at the same time at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague as part of the curriculum for 2nd year BA students.
Watch the video documentary about the entrepreneurship bootcamp
Working group members
Renee Jonker
(Chair) Royal Conservatoire The Hague
Anna Maria Ranczakowska
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

Camilla Overgaard (co-chair)
Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg

Payam Gul Susanni
Yasar University, Izmir

Vourneen Ryan
Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin

Anita Debaere
Pearle* live performance. Europe

Paulina Gut
AEC (Working Group Coordinator)
More information? Get in touch with the AEC Office!