WP2. Networking of organisations and individuals (artists and culture professionals) throughout Europe and beyond

Objectives Work Package 2

⇒ Enhancing cooperation among HMEIs at European level and beyond to strengthen artists’ mobility and employability

Work Package 2 (WP2) addresses the need to constantly reinforce international mobility and cooperation, as well as the dialogue with the culture and creative industry. WP2 also addresses networking and internationalisation. The change that the project aims to trigger is to expand international networking beyond Europe. Also, to take the institutions that are still “isolated” to an international level.

  1. Organising events addressing specific target groups within art HEIs

The networking events which AEC organises on an annual basis will be used as forums and platforms to foster international cooperation and exchange between AEC members, to stimulate innovation in the sector and to disseminate the project activities: the AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly in November, the International Relations Coordinators (IRC) meeting in September, the European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM), the Early Music Platform (EMP) and the Pop and Jazz Platform (PJP). The AEC office is responsible for organising all the events, with the support of dedicated (preparatory) Working Groups (WGs) – which already exist within AEC.

  1. Strengthening collaboration with non-European partners and networks

In the context of an increasingly globalised world and easier opportunities for exchange on the basis of online meetings, AEC is committed to strengthening cooperation with partners and networks outside Europe by:

  • Dedicating one of its annual IRC meetings to the cooperation with HMEIs outside Europe
  • Sending an AEC representative to the annual conferences of each of the following international organisations: NASM and CMS in the US, SEADOM in Asia and IMC (global).
  • Including speakers from outside Europe appointed by IMC into AEC seminars, workshops and events
  • Training AEC members in the development of new global partnerships afforded by new opportunities in the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme.
  1. Facilitating the administration of exchanges (teachers and students)

AEC helps cultural and creative players to internationalise their careers and activities by further developing and testing online tools, such as the European Online System for Mobility in Higher Music and Arts Education and the European platform for advertising jobs for instrumental and vocal musicians and composers at international level. 

In this project, the EASY TF will further develop the software EASY, i.e. follow the developments of the Erasmus Without Papers initiative regarding the mobility for traineeship and staff mobility and expand the type of users – mainly HMEIs to institutions providing other artistic studies than music, so that young artists studying a different art discipline could benefit from this success story from the music sector.

  1. Fostering work placements for emerging artists

The IRC WG will explore:

  • The needs and challenges which graduates from HMEIs are facing in their search for work placements before and after graduation and
  • Build a tool to facilitate this search, i.e. a switchboard listing work placement vacancies from e.g. music business & cultural industries, service providers from the social and health sector etc. The tool will ideally be integrated in existing AEC systems.