Meet the AEC Capacity Building Working Group



  • Accompanying institutions in their processes of innovating Learning & Teaching
  • Revisiting institutions’ rationales, tasks and objectives


The Working Group functioned as a think tank, exploring the evolving roles, motivations, and objectives of Higher Music Education Institutions (HMEIs). Central to this inquiry were critical questions about the influence of new skills, attitudes, social awareness, and context-driven approaches, as well as fresh perspectives on excellence, quality, and societal engagement.

A pivotal approach for HMEIs to address these challenges is through innovative curriculum design. This involves reimagining curricula, institutional structures, and learning activities to align with the evolving identity of musicians as “makers in and of society.”

To support institutions navigating this transformation, the Working Group:

1/ curated a rich collection of insights, reflections, and case studies and produced the publication Innovating Curricula – Building Capacity for Innovation in Higher Music Education Institutions

2/ provided concrete guidance to 25 institutions through the ARTEMIS Clusters (2023-2024)

  • Based on a call for interest in 2022, the Working Group formed five clusters, each consisting of 5 – 6 European higher music education institutions that were engaging in a process of curricular change. 
  • In two years, Working Group members facilitated peer learning platforms, in which all participants regularly shared the development of their respective curriculum change processes and provided peer feedback to each other. At the start, all participants were tasked to develop an Action Plan for their curriculum change based on a template provided by the Working Group.



Innovating Curricula_AEC-ARTEMIS_2025
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Call for interest_ Mutual Support Platform for Curricular Innovation
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ARTEMIS Clusters_Template for Action plan
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ARTEMIS Cluster Meeting 4_Factsheet for participants
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