Meet the AEC Goes Green Working Group




  • Updating and strengthening the AEC National Overview of Higher Music Education systems
  • Supporting the working groups and the AEC Office with professional expertise when collecting and analysing data
  • Providing AEC members with inspiration and insight to make the sector more sustainable and environment-friendly


The AEC Goes Green Working Group (WG) brings together advocates of the green shift, highly motivated and committed to investigating the link between arts and the environment and exploring educational, artistic and professional concepts in which music contributes to raising ecological and environmental awareness. 

In Spring 2023, the WG created two in-depth surveys on green and eco-sustainable practices and needs: one designed for HME students only, and the second for both students and HME staff.  A high number of responses came from over 70 HMEIs from 26 countries in Europe and beyond. The survey report is now in preparation, and it will help establish a foundation for actions aimed at supporting the HME sector in the green transition. Additionally, the WG prepared and distributed “Green music” posters in the host institutions. These 15 posters showcase information on an ecological theme, accompanied by a barcode linking to a corresponding musical piece.

The group also prepared two interactive sessions that were held at the AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators on 20-23 September 2023 in Leuven, and another one at the AEC Annual Congress on 9-11 November in the Hague, in which the WG discussed and explored the needs and challenges of the specific targeted audience at the events, as well as shared several inspirational examples of good practices in implementing sustainable policies and raising awareness on ecological and environmental matters in daily, educational and artistic work of the AEC members.


Green Music Posters
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IRC Meeting 2023 - Parallel Session - Going Green
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AEC Congress 2023 Parallel Session AEC Goes Green
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AEC Congress 2022 - Parallel Session AEC Goes Green
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