Please find the printable pdf version of the programme in English, French, German and Italian. Please note that the English version here below is the most up-to-date version of the Congress programme, and contains links to the sessions abstracts

English - Programme
English - Programme
German - Programm
German - Programme
Italian - Programma
Italian - Programme
French - Programme
French - Programme

Pre-Congress Programme

Wednesday 8 November


15:00 – 19:30

Pre-Congress Workshop – MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training


Training workshop organized by MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement

Professional development training workshop about quality enhancement and accreditation, mainly for the music sector but potentially open to the other performing arts sectors within conservatoires. The workshop is for current Peer Reviewers as well as students and staff members of (higher) music education institutions – experienced or not – who are interested in becoming Peer Reviewers for MusiQuE in the future, are motivated to reflect on their experience and practice as Peer Reviewers or have a general interest in quality assurance and accreditation in conservatoires.

 Studio 1
19:30 Working dinner for Pre-Congress Participants in AMARE

Thursday 9 November

9:30 – 13:30

Coffee Break at 10:40

Continuation of the Pre-Congress Workshop – MusiQuE Peer Reviewers Training


Training workshop organized by MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement

Studio 1
9:30 – 13:00


Coffee Break at 11:00

Pre Congress Workshops on:

POWER TO EMPOWER: step-by-step to a safer and more supportive learning environment (PRIhME)

TUNE: Exploring teaching and learning cultures in higher traditional/folk music education in Europe (9:15 -12:15)
Advocacy Workshop (9:30 – 12:30)
Empowerment Through Sustainable Connections (EPASA)

 A – Studio 2

B – Studio 4

C – Studio 5

D – Studio 6

AEC Congress Programme
“Enhancing Quality Through Sustainable Connections”

Thursday 9 November

13:45 Registration starts – welcome coffee 4th Floor of AMARE
14:30 – 15:15 Optional Guided Tour for AMARE. Meeting Point: Registration Desk
15:15 – 16:15 Welcome to Newcomers with members of AEC Council and AEC Office Team Studio 1
15:15 – 16:15 Welcome to Students for student delegates, with EPASA and members of the Congress Committee Studio 2
16:30 – 18:30 Opening Event and Artistic Performances

Words of welcome by:

  • Lies Colman, Director of the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague
  • Jaap Smit, King’s Commissioner of South Holland
  • Michael Wilder, President of NASM (United States)
  • Shahanum Mohamad Shah, SEADOM former President
  • Alf Richard Kraggerud, Chairman YMTE Young Music Talents in Europe
  • Monica Vejgaard, EPASA President & Mimi Harmer, EPASA Vice-President
  • Deborah Kelleher, President of the AEC 

In presence and streamed

18:30 – 19:45 Opening Brainstorming on topics proposed by participants

Introduction by Stefan Gies, AEC Chief Executive

See Whova for topics and Rooms

Topic 1 in Conservatoriumzaal

20:00 Welcome Reception In the building

Friday 10 November

8:45 Registrations for late comers
09:00 – 10:00 Plenary Session I

Music Introduction (15 min)

“AI: What does it mean for the future of HMEI and for their concepts of quality?”

moderated by Paul Craenen, Royal Conservatoire The Hague

contributions by:

  • Orla McDonagh, MusiQuE
  • Miranda Harmer, EPASA
  • Ine Vanoeveren, Conservatoire Royal de Liège
  • Luc Döbereiner, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen
In presence and streamed



Parallel Sessions I

  1. The Musician of Tomorrow – a dialogue with Teachers & Students: a conversation on how to raise the bar for digital skills across higher music education, a session organised by the ARTEMIS Digitisation working group and EPASA with Sandrine Desmurs, Mimi Harmer, Håkon Kvidal, and Raffaele Longo, MUSENSE project, and Diana Salazar GLOCODA project – 75 min


2. Learning from each other and empowering HMEIs to empower students: the Mutual Support Platform for Curricular Innovation, with Lies Colman, Lynsey Callaghan, Ingfrid Breie Nyhus, Guillermo Rodriguez, ARTEMIS Capacity Building working group and Marijn Abbink, Royal Conservatoire The Hague, Thomas Besnard Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse de Lyon 75 min


  1. Bringing internationalisation and quality culture together: an exploration of internationally based quality tools that can underpin institutional international ambitions and enhance quality, with Martin Prchal and Janneke Ravenhorst, Royal Conservatoire The Hague, Linda Merrick, Peter Tornquist, Joe Bowman, SEADOM, Jacques Moreau, Finn Schumacker and Orla McDonagh, MusiQuE– 75 min


  1. Power to HMEI! Putting Power Relations Front and Centre, with Deborah Kelleher, Gretchen Amussen, David-Emil Wickstroem, Esther Nass, Mkay Krause, PRIhME; Ankna Arockiam and Steven Faber members of ARTEMIS Gender Equality and Non-discrimination Mainstreaming Task Force– 75 min


       5. Welcoming different music style and aesthetics: Traditional / Folk Music in HMEI, with Silja Fischer, International Music Council, Nod Knowles, European Folk Network, Anothai Nithibon, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music in Bangkok and SEADOM, Hannes Pries, Pop and Jazz Platform, Katja Thomson, ARTEMIS Diversity working group, moderated by: Keld Hosbond and Claire Michon, AEC Council members – 75 min

1. Conservatoriumzaal – STREAMED




2. Studio 1




3. Studio 2




4. Studio 4



5. Studio 5

11:30 – 12:00 Informal Networking Foyer
12:00 – 13:15 Parallel Sessions II

  1. Taking a Global Perspective: organising exchanges and collaborations outside Europe, presentations by Lennaert van Heumen, Dutch Erasmus National Agency NUFFIC, and Jan-Gerd Krueger, Wei Boon Tan, and Melissa Mercadal, ARTEMIS International Relations Coordinators working group, moderated by Abra Bush, College Music Society, United States– 75 min


2A. Launch European University Alliance IN.TUNE – Innovative Universities for Music & Arts in Europe chaired by Deborah Kelleher, AEC President, with Astrid Kvalbein, Norwegian Academy of Music, Diana Mos, National University of Music Bucharest, Emilie Delorme, Conservatoire de Paris, Emilie Gardberg, Sibelius Academy – Uniarts Helsinki, Nuria Sempere, Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, Ulrike Sych, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Lies Colman, Royal Conservatoire – University of the Arts The Hague, Mirjana Nikolic, University of Arts Belgrade and Martin Prchal, Royal Conservatoire – University of the Arts The Hague – 45 min


2B. Resilient artists – A prevention programme to strengthen the mental resilience of performing artists, Annouk Van Moorsel & Magda Thielemans, Royal conservatoire AP University College Antwerp – 30 min


  1. Building a strong internal quality culture by inviting and collecting student feedback: which policies and tools can support this? A session with Miranda Harmer and Natalie Roe, EPASA, Janneke Ravenhorst and Sara de los Campos, Royal Conservatoire The Hague and Jacques Moreau, MusiQuE- 75 min


4A. Exploring Lifelong Learning Opportunities in European HMEIs: empowering growth and transforming education by Esther Viñuela, Kadri Steinbach, Małgorzata Sternal, members of the ARTEMIS Lifelong Learning Working Group and Claire Michon, Pôle Alienor, Poitiers – 45 min


4B Impact Measurement & Management: Proving and improving the impacts of cultural organisations, by Filip Zieliński, Heidelberg University – 30 min


5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Music Education: An Invitation for Action by KatjaThomson, Karine Hahn, Karolien Dons and Monica Vejgaard, ARTEMIS Diversity, Inclusion & Gender Equality Working Group and Ankna Arockiam, Steven Faber and Alfonso Guerra ARTEMIS Gender Equality and Non-discrimination Mainstreaming Task Force –75 min


1. Conservatoriumzaal – STREAMED






2. Studio 1





3. Studio 2




4. Studio 4





5. Studio 5

13:15 – 14:45 Networking Lunch First Floor
14:45 – 16:00 Parallel Sessions III


  1. Artistic Research in Higher Music Education: Catalyst for a new relationship between music, education and society? with Rui Penha, ESMAE Porto, Evelyn Buyken, RAPPLab Project, Stefan Ostersjo, REACT Project, Helena Gaunt RWCMD Cardiff, moderated by Stephen Broad EPARM working group – 75 min


2. Strengthening student agency and supporting curatorial practice among students: examples of student-led artistic projects in various institutions with Pablo Traine, Milda Orvydaite, Miguel Pissarra Correia Pinto Varela, Emma Hedrick, Chiara Paganini, students from the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, and Natalie Roe, Monica Vejgaard and Mimi Harmer, EPASA – 75 min


3. Enhancing the quality of learning & teaching through sustainable international connections: joint programmes: ECMA, RESONO and EMEM European Master of Early Music, with Veronika Leiner and Johannes Meissl, and NOVO Quartet, mdw Vienna, Luca Dupont-Spirio, CNSMD Paris, Bruno Pereira, Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo do Porto, Barbara Willi, Janacek Academy of Music Brno and Danilo Mascetti, Royal Conservaotoire The Hague, moderated by Jan-Gerd Krüger, chair of the ARTEMIS IRC working group – 75 min


4. Toward the green transition in higher music education – panel discussion on green practices at the HMEIs, with Dušanka Jelenković, Maria Kalleitner-Huber, AEC Goes Green Working Group and Esther Vinuela, Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, Madrid, Spain, Porter Ellerman, Royal Conservatoire The Hague, Morten Qvenild, Norwegian Academy of music – 75 min


5. Fostering Young Talents: a session on pre-college music education, with Lucia di Cecca, Stefan Gies, Ross Lyness, Balázs Kecskés, Alf Richard Kraggerud, Mattias Lundqvist, Minna-Maria Pesonen, Mario Zecher AEC-YMTE Joint Working Group and Stephan Barratt-Due, Barratt-Due Institute of Music Oslo,Elisabeth Gutjahr AEC ExCom member-75 min

1.Conservatoriumzaal – STREAMED




2. Studio 1




3. Studio 2




4. Studio 4



5. Studio 5

16:00 – 16:30 Informal Networking Foyer
16:30 – 18:00 Regional Meetings with Council Members

 (please see Whova for countries division and rooms)

 in presence, see Whova for rooms and countries
18:00 – 19:00 Wrap up with  EU representative

 Musical Introduction

 Speech by Georg Häusler, Director for Culture, Creativity and Sport in the European Commission (DG EAC)

Q&A moderated by Stefan Gies

 in presence and streamed
Free Evening, please see the List of Restaurants

Saturday 11 November

9:00 Optional Guided Tour for AMARE. Meeting Point: Registration Desk
9:45 – 11:30 Information Forum and Market

 Musical Introduction

Plenary presentations by AEC Member institutions moderated by Deborah Kelleher, AEC President, followed by Q&A with the speakers in the form of “market place”

 in presence and streamed


11:30 –12:00 Networking with Refreshments with Information Market Foyer
12:00– 13:00 Discussion groups (3 topics to be chosen by Council)

 in presence

See Whova for Rooms

13:00 – 14:30  Networking Lunch First Floor
14:30 – 16:30 AEC General Assembly 2023

Zoom link

In presence and streamed with Online Voting (online registration required)


15:00 – 16:30 Students’s Wrap Up – hosted by EPASA Studio 1
Informal Networking Foyer
17:00 – 17:20 Closing Session

Announcement of the AEC Congress 2024

In presence and streamed


17:30 – 18:30 Artistic Performance Conservatoriumzaal
19:30 Closing Dinner In Presence – Atrium in front of KC